What’s Your Christmas Theology?

Depending on where you are at this moment, it's either Christmas Eve or actually Christmas. It's the day where the birth of Jesus is celebrated by millions around the world. Even those who don't believe in the birth of Jesus rejoice, because of potential income derived from retail sales of everything from food to family … Continue reading What’s Your Christmas Theology?

Is God Seasonal?

Ready or not, Christmas is just around the corner. Amidst the overemphasis on material giving, Christmas is a time of year when even non-Christians give thought to God. It's a time when many seek out a local church to (hopefully) find purpose for their lives. Whether perceived or otherwise, for some it begs the question, … Continue reading Is God Seasonal?

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

In just a few days it will be Election Day in the United States. Proof abounds as signs, promoting candidate after candidate, dot the landscape, particularly around voting precincts. Regardless of one's favorite candidate, it's obvious that something's in the process of happening; changes are coming. Playing baseball as a teenager, signs of a different … Continue reading Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs